Hello ReBoot enthusiasts!
Two very exciting things are happening in the ReBoot world this month!
Our new website has been launched! Check it out at https://more.outreach.ca/ReBoot. You will find the information you need about our 2020 programs, a link to our new online application, testimonials, photos, and MORE! We are still ironing out a few things, but overall we are very pleased!
Registration is now open for Classic ReBoot 2020 and Wilderness ReBoot 2020! You can find out all of the information for both of these events by clicking on the logos or “Read More” button on the home page of our website.
In the past, we have offered two options for Classic ReBoot… one in Ontario and one in Alberta. For 2020, ReBoot will only be held in Alberta. Despite this, we would encourage any MKs located in Eastern Canada to consider coming West for the retreat (the mountains are amazing!). We don’t want the location to be a roadblock to attendance so if assistance is required, please contact us as we want to make Classic ReBoot available to everyone!
As you think about ReBoot for 2020, we would ask two things of you:
1. SPREAD the word!
Remind folks that ReBoot has program from MKs ages 17-20 (Classic ReBoot) and MKs ages 21-35 (Wilderness ReBoot).
We want both of these retreats to be full! We don’t want this for the sake of running a program, but because we know both retreats have given many MKs some amazing tools to use for their (new) life in Canada. A link to promotional material you can download and use if found at the end of this email.
2. REGISTER early!
Classic ReBoot will be held July 31 – August 7 with space limited to 20. Wilderness ReBoot will be held June 28 – July 4 with space limited to 12. Registration forms are needed before acceptance is given. Don’t wait! Send in the application today!
We will be sending more information in the weeks to come. Please be praying for God to move in a miraculous way in both of these retreats, even in these early days! Thank you for your partnership!
Director, Wilderness ReBoot 2020